This Adobe FrameMaker template is called "Tequilana". It has derived its name from the latin name for the Blue Agave, which is used for producing tequila.
We have chosen light blue color scheme with single contrasting
It it an A4 sized template based on a two column setup and it comes with a STS-settingsfile for publishing to PDF and HTML5. From a design point of view, I have put emphasis on making the heading levels easy to see, and the typography easy to read.
I have used Corbel for the typography. Microsoft has a - very neat - page detailing what fonts that come with Windows 10, and I have chosen Corbel for exactly that reason - it comes with Windows 10/11, so most users will have it already. It is a modern typeface with some neat "old fashioned" looks as well, especially in the numbers and it support a fair number of languages.
The Tequilana template has 5 heading levels beside the title level and three table styles and a couple of object styles. This is not a super fancy template, but it will work fine for most industrial products and most software user guides as well. I have put some care into making it work with HTML5.
STS file for PDF and HTML5
We bundle the template with an STS file, which will allow you to publish to PDF and HTML5. The HTML5 design resembles the PDF design in look and feel.
Description of the templates content and instructions for installation